Reviews,  Win!

Books that help you get rid of that stinking thinking

Get rid of that stinking thinking Is it December yet? No? It’s still January?! Boy, this year is just draaaagging by! But hey, this means that there’s optimal opportunity for us to get our growth on. This year, I’ve decided that I am going to work towards WINNING in every area of my life (remember, I ranted about it last week). And that means thriving on a mental level as well. My goal for January is to get rid of that stinking thinking by dropping crappy habits and picking up some really legit ones. Christian Art Media sent me a bunch of books that will help me do just that! And I’ve got a few to give away to you. But first, more about the books. 

Riley UnlikelyRiley Unlikely by Riley Banks-Snyder (with Lisa Velthouse)
Riley Banks is a determined young lady with her heart set on changing the world. In this book, she shares a bit of the story behind how she, at 13, founded a non profit organisation that, till today, benefits hundreds of children in Kenya. I mean, the girl sacrificed birthday and Christmas gifts to pay for her trips and spent copious amounts of her time gathering school and hygiene supplies for those who had none. Riley basically inspired me to stop looking at what I don’t have (not enough funds, not old enough, not clever enough, not on the same continent!) and start looking at what I can do! This is a challenge for me and you, this year!

Everything is possibleEverything is possible by Jen Bricker (with Sheryl Berk)
Jen Bricker, born without legs, was given up for adoption before her mother even laid eyes on her. According to her, both of these things are probably the best parts of her life! Placed in a really amazing adoptive home, she was taught one simple rule: “Never say can’t!” Since then, she pretty much decided that the only thing standing in her way of doing, well just about everything, was her mindset. The girl plays volleyball like a pro, roller-skates and even drives a car. When people try to adjust life to suite her disability, she becomes even more resolute to show them that she can do everything an able-bodied person can! Jen is a well known aerialist and has even performed with Britney Spears, with crowds of fans in awe as she spins from silk fabric thirty feet in the air! Seriously guys, if anything, I am determined to make it through this year doing everything my heart desires! Never say can’t! I dare you!

The rewired brainThe rewired brain by Dr Ski Chilton
Do you ever wonder why you think the way you do? We don’t realize how much control we have over our own thoughts and behaviors. A lot of our decision making is based on unconscious feelings and reactions from our past, but your brain is much more powerful than that! This is a book of self-discovery, that will help you to reframe your negative experiences so that you can live your best possible life – free and fearlessly! It offers really excellent advice on how to reframe your thinking on topics such as dealing with tragedy, parenting and even intimacy. It’s not the type of book that you would want to read in one go. I find myself devouring a chapter, and then spending some time thinking on it and how it applies to me. Such a good book if you’re looking to clear your mental space this year!

Are these books for you? Do you need to get rid of that stinking thinking? If you do, I’m here to help! I want to pass one or two of these on to reader that needs to refresh their thinking, this 2017! Let’s keep it simple this time around. To enter simply make sure you’ve subscribed to My Spreadsheet Brain (the ‘subscribe here’ box is on the top right) and then comment below telling me which one of these books are a must for your bookshelf, and why!

Entries close on January 31st at noon and the winner will be selected randomly via Random Result, just to keep things fair. I will be posting this link to my Facebook page, if you’d like to share.

Hope you’re having the BEST Monday of your life!


  • Cornell Botha

    The rewired brain by Dr Ski Chilton because I am focusing on enchancing the whole of Cornell this year and this book will help with the mental part!

  • Simone Cameron

    I think the Rewired brain definitely. My colleague always tells me I’m way to negative and I say too many negative things. 2017 I’m focusing on bettering myself, getting my mind clear letting go of the fear….so much fear….

  • Venean Bosch

    I really need a brain rewire – but Riley Unlikely is more me. I need to also just start being more positive I think this year has just blown the wind from out of my sails. YAY for competitions at this time of the year!! xxx

  • Carla Van Der Westhuizen

    Riley Unlikely by Riley Banks-Snyder (with Lisa Velthouse) Looks like a great book. I love real life stories from real people. And if they motivate me to get off my butt and do something then even better! I also think my Aunt Jo would love to read this. She has just quit the day job and started an NPO based in the Madikwe area, educating people about conservation.

  • Melissa Rossouw

    I regularly read your blog and finally subscribed. For me it’s definitely The Rewired Brain… what with getting married next year there’s some drinking thinking that needs to change in order for it to be successful. Plus I want to be my best self. A book is the best way to learn!

  • farren

    2017 for me is all about changing my mind set and learning about why I think the way I do and why I repeatedly do what I do. The rewired brain by Dr Ski Chilton will definitely be a challenging good read and perhaps a turning point in my life.I would love winning this prize so that it can empower me and help me understand my way of thinking.

  • Fadila

    I’d love to win this to help me better equipp myself with my daily challenges an setting my long term goals for both myself an family

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