
Bath time with Oh So Heavenly

pamper day conversationsI’ll admit I’ve been feeling super guilty lately. My toddler is a mere 2 years (and a couple of months) old and soon, she’ll be relinquishing her title as “baby of the house”. Sob! My little pink curly girly will be a big sister curly girly! How could I do that to her?! Okay, okay, I’m calming myself down. I know that it’s probably just the preggy hormones. I’ve been finding different ways to emotionally and mentally prepare the both of us for the new addition to our space. I try to spend a lot of time with her and instigate conversations around baby Jo and what life will be like once he is here.  This weekend we did a girls pamper, thanks to Oh So Heavenly, and we had a few random pamper day conversations (I mean, are toddler convos anything BUT random?) and here’s what went down:

Bath1For starters, she insisted on adding the bubbles to our bath water herself, which made my heart sob AGAIN because look how grown she is! The Oh So Heavenly baby ‘Oils of Africa’ range is delicious! It’s made of Marula and Baobab Oil and she loves it because the gentle bubble bath creates masses and masses of bubbles! Once engorged in the warm water and suds, we chatted a bit about baby Jonah (after she greeted him by putting her lips to my tummy and semi-yelling “hello baby Jonah!”)

Me: Karis, how big do you think baby Jonah will be when he comes?
Karis: Like dis! (indicating that she thinks he will be, literally, the size of an atom)
Me: And where do you think he should sleep?
Karis: On Mama bed and on Dada bed! And in my tummy!
Me: And where will you sleep? (she sometimes still makes the 2am trip to our room, if she wakes up in the middle of the night)
Karis: In our bed! (Our as in, her bed. Don’t know why she calls it “our”)
Me: And Karis, what do you think baby Jonah will eat and drink?
Karis: Mama tee-tee! (giggling) Hello baby Jonah! (while talking to my boob)
Me: Kari can baby Jonah sit on Mama’s lap? And Kari can sit next to Mama?
Karis: No, I sit here (shows to my lap) and he sit der (next to me)
Me: Okay, can Kari sit on Mama’s lap and baby Jonah will sleep in my arms?
Karis: (nods to indicate that he has her permission)
Me: And what will we do when he cries?
Karis: We say “Don’t cry baby Jonah!” and then we fight him
Me: Noooo, we mustn’t fight with him! We must love him!
Karis: We sing “Twinkle twinkle”
Me: Okay deal

Bath3The rest of the conversation revolved around her ‘My Little Pony’ which is the name of her Oh So Heavenly ‘Pony Party’ body wash. It smells like strawberrys, candy and “I wana eat it right now!” But don’t eat it, for the love of all that is good, DON’T eat the body wash. The range also has bubble bath, shimmer lotion and body spray.

She made sure that “baby Jonah’s My Little Pony” (The Oh so Heavenly Mum&Cherub ‘Sleep, Baby, Sleep’ bubble bath) is put away in a safe place. Big sister much? I love the smell of this lavender infused range which has been designed to soothe and calm baby before bedtime. Uhm, yes please!

Bath4We spent the next half hour (no, seriously) rubbing on lotions and potions. She was especially enthralled with my Tissue Oil – which was applied copiously to the lower parts of my legs (and hers). Not that I minded. My skin is seriously in need of damage control!

Bath2Once done, she gave us both a once over and declared: “Like a Pwincess!” And she was right! She is my princess and I love sharing these special princess times with her!

I figured that having these small talks with her will encourage her to acknowledge the fact that the baby is coming and he’ll be here to stay! For now she seems really excited about it – I seriously hope that the excitement stays, once he’s born!


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