oral health
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How’s your oral health? {GIVEAWAY!}

Today has been lauded World Oral Health Day by the World Dental Federation and I’m just over here, counting my teeth, trying to make sure that my impending senior citizen status hasn’t caught up with me yet. But while I have you here, tell me, how’s your oral health? Did you know that senior citizens should possess a total of 20 natural teeth at the end of their life to be considered healthy? Children should possess 20 baby teeth and healthy adults (that’s us, yo) should possess a total of 32 teeth and 0 dental cavities! A healthy mouth and a healthy body go hand in hand!

World Oral Health Day is an international day to celebrate the benefits of a healthy mouth and to promote worldwide awareness of the importance of oral hygiene. This year’s theme is “Say Ahh: Think Mouth, Think Health”, a message used to drive home the fact that 90% of the world’s population suffers from oral diseases. Many of these are avoidable though!

Oral diseases can impact every aspect of life… besides for personal relationships and your own self-confidence, it can even affect your enjoyment of food. The crazy thing is that many people are not aware of the basics to good oral hygiene.

How's your oral health
Seriously, some of it is “no-brain-required” stuff. Things like:

Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months
Flossing and brushing your teeth twice daily
Eating a balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables (and low in sugar)
Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and smoking

Non-prescriptive dental care products, such as the Andolex C range, is a really easy way to help prevent and relieve common oral health problems, like gingivitis. The Andolex C range includes products such as Andolex C oral rinse, oral spray, oral gel and the new Andolex C antibacterial mouthwash, which can be used for up to 10 days. These products contain Benzydamine which provides an analgesic (pain reducing), anesthetic (numbing) and anti-inflammatory effect.


Andolex-C also contains chlorhexidine gluconate; the gold standard in chemical plaque control, which has been proven to effectively reduce plaque by 33% and gingivitis by 26%.

Speak to your dentist or go to www.andolex.co.za for more information about how to prevent many common oral health problems.

Want to up your Oral Health game? You can win a legit hamper to help you do just that! Simply:
1. Comment below and tell me one way to ensure good oral hygiene
2. Subscribe to My Spreadsheet Brain (subscribe box is on the top right)
3. Check out Facebook on March 30th to see if you’re a winner!

DISCLAIMER: This editorial includes independent comment and opinion of the author and is not necessarily that of iNova Pharmaceuticals.     


  • World Oral Health Day 20 March. Say Ahh Think Mouth Think Health (http://www.worldoralhealthday.org/)
  • Benefits of Good Oral Health. Pharmacy Times. 18 March 2013 (http://www.pharmacytimes.com/publications/issue/2013/march2013/benefits-of-good-oral-hygiene) Website
  • Andolex-C oral rinse approved package insert.


  • Tania Brewis

    *Don’t go to bed without brushing your teeth.
    •Brush properly.
    •Don’t neglect your tongue.
    •Use a fluoride toothpaste.
    •Treat flossing as important as brushing.
    •Don’t let flossing difficulties stop you.
    •Consider mouthwash

  • Nadine Thomas

    How I ensure good oral health for myself is by brushing my teeth twice a day,flossing after every meal and oh yes, changing my toothbrush atleast every 2nd month. I soak my toothbrush in hygienic mouthwash at night ( don’t know.why though) but it just gives me an assurance that my toothbrush is clean.

  • Taryn

    1) Brush and Floss Twice a Day
    2) Drink Lots of Water
    3) Avoid Sugary Foods
    4) Get Regular Calcium and Vitamin D
    5) See A Dentist Every 6 Months.

  • Malisa

    1)Replacing your toothbrush every three to four months
    2)Eating sugar free gum that helps with your teeth after having something to eat.
    3)Flossing after brushing your teeth twice daily
    4)Eating a balanced diet that includes fruits and vegetables (and low in sugar)
    5)Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and smoking
    6)Have check ups at the dentist twice a year

  • Theofista Ruiters

    By brushing my teeth twice a day. Replacing my toothbrush every 3rd month. Soaking my toothbrush in mouthwash before next use and also flossing regularly.

  • Melissa Swart

    You actually need to brush for at least 2 minutes at a time, so 2 minutes twice a day (morning and before bed for me). And if I go out then it’s 3 times a day. Make sure to brush every single tooth at every single angle, including wisdom teeth right at the back, and don’t forget your tongue.

  • Nabeelah

    All the elements you stated above to maintain good oral health are so vital it’s so hard to pick. well this will be a tough one here it goes:

    I think it’s extremely important to replace your toothbrush often because keeping a toothbrush for too long with result in a build up bacteria which can cause infections and ITS VITAL TO FLOSS.


    Regular dental check ups, brushing twice a day ( trying to floss if the 2 year old doesn’t throw a tantrum to take it away from me :-0)

  • Biancha Goldman

    Brushing Your Teeth
    Flossing Your Teeth
    Rinsing Your Mouth with Mouthwash
    Cleaning Your Tongue
    _Tips i would give:
    1.Visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings
    2.Examine your mouth during your oral hygiene routine to make sure there are no abnormalities
    3.Eat a healthy, balanced diet

    _How do you know if you have good oral health?
    1.Your gums are pink and do not get sore or bleed when you brush or floss your teeth
    2.Your teeth feel clean and not “fuzzy”
    3.You don’t constantly have bad breath
    #OralHealth _ Good for life!

  • Melanie Pretorius

    Brush twice a day, floss regularly, replace your toothbrush every 3rd month and eat sugar-free gum.

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