
Love on my nails!

IMG_20160213_143326What do you get when you pair up a sleeping toddler, an early evening and new episodes of The Voice? Well where I’m from it spells: Time to put some love on my nails!

Since my Curly was sleeping and I had 2 whole episodes of singing to savor, I thought hey, why not maximise your time and do something with lots of colors. (Yes, I realize that my “lots of colors”, in this situation, is just 3 colors. Don’t judge my spreadsheet brain, okay?) Anyways, so I pulled out some of my favorite Sinful Colors polishes. See exhibit A:

Sinful Colors: Mint Apple, Love Sprinkles, Easy Going and Island Coral

I started off with my gel look base coat because I wanted it to stay on for as long as possible. I then painted 2 coats of Easy Going on all my nails and waited for it to dry.I decided to do a gradient using Mint Apple and Island Coral and used a sponge to get the desired effect.

To do a gradient, simply apply strips of color to a sponge – yes even a kitchen sponge – and dab onto your nail. Try not to wait too long before dabbing – you want the strips of paint to still be fresh. I got this result after a few dabs:

Once the gradient was dry, I carefully added a heart decal which I found in my Love Sprinkles polish. A bit of a cheat, if you will.

Applied gel look top coat and ta daaaa! An evening well spent, I’d say.IMG_20160213_143326



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