
School your kids with Top Dog! {Review}

Homework, in our little corner of the world, is a tedious matter. For starters, Kyle (Grade 9) is a teenager and apparently, teenagers aren’t that much into homework or school. Seth (Grade 4), who had always been doing brilliantly when it comes to getting homework done on time, has recently followed suite and it takes a lot to get him to focus. Fortunately, my MIL is a primary school teacher and is usually the one who sits with them after school. (Which comes in quite handy when the homework pile resembles my desk on a Monday morning.)

But that aside, weBoys3‘ve always desired for our kids to do brilliantly at school because, let’s face it, education is important. AND I’d rather have my kids focusing on achieving their goals (whatever that may be) than stressing about whether or not they are going to pass that test. My dream is for their school career to be effortless and pleasant. So I was ecstatic when Top Dog contacted me with regards to their wonderful products.

Top Dog is an E-Learning portal offering various resources on almost every school subject from Grade 4 up until Grade 12, with an ever-growing range of educational and fun products for all ages. The site is a great way for parents to get their kids excited about learning. I really love that the modules include colorful and interesting videos (I mean, really, who wants to watch something boring?)

Some info about what they have to offer:

  • The portal is available on the web and mobile. This is especially exciting for kids who are techno junkies and find it hard to pick up a book and concentrate.
  • The educational products they offer include summaries, online lectures, mock exams, online tests, study skills with access to top teachers. Is your child in Matric? This is the perfect resource for them!
  • There are a ton of fun things your kids could get into, as well, such as Top Dog’s educational games, competitions and giveaways. They boast amazing Top Dog parties and a Top Dog cash rewards programme.
  • By being a Top Dog member, you are automatically registered to their Top Dog loyalty programme, which means you can do lots of cool things and earn Top Cash. (Yay for rewards programmes).

Affordable and Smart Digital Education
I know what you’re thinking and that’s because I was thinking it too (touch wood) but these products are NOT expensive at all. It is affordable and there are many easy ways to pay. Once payment has been made the products are delivered immediately into your account.

Virtual Classroom

We had a go at revising some English, the other day, and the site came in quite handy! We chose the English module and, after reading the brief introduction, watched the short video. I was impressed with the fact that I did not have to stand around to make sure that attention was being given to the school work. Score! Ah the beauty of edu-vids that are interesting to watch.


After the vid we were able to check out a PDF worksheet which helped to summarize what was just covered in the video. And after that, a short quiz, which made it easy to determine what needed to be revised again. So quick. So easy. So fun!


But hey, don’t take my word for it, go and check out the Top Dog portal for yourself. It is easy to register (and does not cost a thing) and there are a few free lessons loaded for you to demo. Lessons cost as little as R15 a module (I know, right?). There is also an option of paying a once off monthly fee which will give you access to 1 subject for a specific grade, for an entire month. This will come in handy when it’s exam time.

All in all, I think that the Top Dog E-Learning Portal is… uhmmm… TOP, dog! 🙂

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