You don't need fluoride to keep your kids teeth clean

You don’t need fluoride to keep your kids teeth clean {Pure Beginnings}

As we near the end of Dental Health Awareness Month, I am reminded of a time, back when I was a little tiger, when pretty much all of my friends at pre-school had some sort of a rotten teeth or gap situation going on. Mind you, I’m sure that their parents weren’t overloading them with sugary treats. But, hey, let’s keep it real, there were some things we just did not know about back then. Like the fact that the fluoride you find in your regular toothpaste is actually a chemical compound, containing the element fluorine. In its pure state, this element is actually extremely corrosive and poisonous. Not exactly something you’d want to be giving to your kids, right? The truth is this, you don’t need fluoride to keep your kids teeth clean.

I didn’t even know that fluoride was a danger. And then I realized that most toothpastes have a warning printed on the box/tube. Something along the lines of: “If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, obtain medical help or contact a Poison Control Centre right away.” And guys, I’m going to be even more honest, I’m not even that much of a “crusty” mom… like, I seriously don’t think that a little bit of fluoride is going to kill my kid. But if there is an alternative, that is safer for the smallies, then why not simply choose that? Did you know that you don’t even need fluoride to prevent tooth decay. Fluoride has no nutritional value to the human body.

This is why I was a bit more excited (than a normal person would be about toothpaste) when I received a Pure Beginnings press drop. My toddler is actually not a fan of “normal” kiddies toothpastes because she claims that it burns her mouth. So I was curious to see if she would love the Pure Beginnings Organic Kids toothpastes.

Considering all the negative effects of fluoride, the Pure Beginnings fluoride-free toothpastes all contain xylitol and are safe to swallow. They hold antibacterial properties and provide tooth and gum protection, freshening the breath naturally. All the Pure Beginnings toothpastes are vegan, contain certified organic ingredients and have been carefully formulated using no colorants.

You don't need fluoride to keep your kids teeth cleanMy little Missy enjoyed the lovely Vanilla Mint toothpaste, designed for kids 3 years and older. The yummo Berry toothpaste is designed for kids who are just starting out on their toothy journey. It’s actually recommended that you start cleaning your little one’s mouth from 4 weeks old already!

Pure Beginnings believes that using natural alternatives are a better, safer and more effective choice for you and your family. And at R36.95 per tube, I would say it’s definitely worth it! The cute characters on the tubes have become household faves. Our Missy specifically asks for the monkey or the birdie, when its teeth brushing time. I’m just happy that she’s excited about brushing her teeth again!

Have you tried the Pure Beginnings Organic Kids oral care range? What’s your fave?

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