gingerbread house kit

Celebrate the festive with a gingerbread house kit!

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas! Whaaat? I mean, it’s October, it’s time to take out the Christmas decorations, right?! Okay, fine, I’ll curb my enthusiasm for a few more weeks. But while we outchere talking about Christmas, I need to tell you guys about the amazing Gingerbread House Kit my missy and I tried out the other day. That’s right… a gingerbread house kit! It’s okay you can “aaack”, I’ll wait.

Have you composed yourself yet? Great.

When Gingerbread House Kit contacted me, asking if we’d like to give one of their kits a go, I was like, heck to the yeah! You guys know how much I love Christmas! I’ve always wanted to build a gingerbread house. I feel like it’s such a festive thing to do, and I have to do all the festive things! Have to!

But like, who has the time (or recipe) to build a gingerbread house that is sturdy enough to withstand tiny, prodding fingers? Also, I don’t keep things like icing sugar in my cupboards. (Don’t look at me like that Patricia. It’s a free country.)

Anyways, the gingerbread house kit comes with basically all of that and then some! The all-inclusive kit contains pre-baked panels (that are lekker solid AND yummy… yes, I tasted), assorted candy’s for decoration, icing AND a piping bag (because, guess what Patricia, I don’t own a piping bag either!)

I did make the mistake of not making my icing thick enough… lesson learnt! This is why I don’t bake, yo. But once we had our icing at the right consistency, we were good to go! The kids totally enjoyed adding the décor. We munched down on it soon thereafter (because who has the time to sit around looking at cake) and I must say I was pleased to find that the panels are not dry or hard, even though it is pretty solid.

You can purchase your very own gingerbread house kit online, at the crazy prize of R249. for more deets – she is super helpful!

WIN a Gingerbread House Kit!
So how about it… want to win a gingerbread house kit to try out with your kideos? GREAT!  JustEllaBella and I are giving TWO kits away! AACK! To enter, simply find the specially marked post (clue: it looks like the pic below) on Facebook and/or Instagram and follow the instruction. (If you do this on both our accounts, that’s FOUR entries, yo!)gingerbread house kit


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