Best hobbies for full time moms
Tips and tricks

Best hobbies for full time moms

Being a full time mom is no small feat, you guys. You know what I’m talking about… it’s when your every single waking moment (and hey, sometimes even those sleeping ones too) are consumed with your kids. And, I mean, we can’t even help ourselves sometimes! Mommydom can get pretty overwhelming. But, lady friends, we need to take back our time! When last have you tried something new or spent time doing something that does not involve your home, hubby or kids? Exactly. This is why I’ve put together a list of best hobbies for full time moms. Full time moms, like you and I, who simply don’t know what it feels like to do something without your kids. Here they are:

Bust out your inner creative

Okay so when I talk about being a mom and being creative in the same paragraph, I know you’re probably thinking about doing arts and crafts with your smallies. Well I say NO! I challenge you to spend some time doing something creative for no reason at all other than the fact that you enjoy it. Maybe you love music or to knit or draw. Or maybe you are an avid crafter or writer (who is tired of retelling the same bedtime stories over and over). Dedicate some time, every week, to bust out your inner creative. There is no better fulfillment than seeing your work of art afterwards!

Read a book, yo

If you’re into reading (and I’m not talking about Facebook status updates, you guys) why not start or join a book club? My best book memory (that’s the same like a normal memory, but with a book) was when I was a member of a very cool book club. We had two very simple rules: 1. It was compulsory to purchase a copy of the book of the month (that way you can grow your own library) 2. Each person has a chance to nominate a new spot for our monthly breakfast meeting (and it must be someplace we’ve never been before). It was such a great way to explore new parts of the city AND really get excited about reading again.

Explore the outdoors

I can’t recommend Geocaching enough, friends! Geocaching is like a modern day treasure hunt. You register to the Geocaching community (via a phone app) and you are then shown a map and given clues, to find the various caches (treasures) hidden throughout your city. You are even able to plant your own caches. So super cool! If you love adventure, I highly recommend this activity.  It’s also another great way to explore your city – or take a mini road trip and explore other parts of the country!


No, seriously, eat. I mean, does this not sound like thee BEST hobby to have? If you love cooking, why not try out various dishes every month for your hubby or even a group of friends. You could even take it one step further and join a culinary school or start a supper club with your friends, where you get to explore various eateries around your town. Having a theme could add an element of fun!

Get active

Keeping fit and healthy holds more benefit than just a way to fill your time. Joining a gym is a cool idea, because most local gyms offer interesting classes that do more than just offer up a great work out. A Zumba dance class or even a martial arts fitness class is a fun way to stay active. But hey, let’s be honest, we’re not all into physical activity. (And by “we”, I’m talking about “me” I do love watching a good soccer game, though! A few of my mom friends are avid sports watchers and enjoy betting on their favorite sports. Whatever your scene, make sure you’re doing it with lots of snacks!

What are some of your favorite full time mom hobbies to do? Hit us up in the comments section!

One Comment

  • Megan Keith

    There are some cool hobby ideas in this post! I’ve recently re-taken up knitting and crocheting again and am LOVING it! I’m also starting to be really into drawing and painting – I’m not good, but I’m having fun learning! I’ve always been an avid reader, but lately, I’ve really struggled to pick up a book. Im determined to get back into it, and have always wanted to join a book club! Hopefully I’ll be able to find one to join one day – or maybe pluck up the courage to start my own one! Megan xxx

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