
Tweexy’s wearable nail polish holder

TweexyI can be a bit of a clutz sometimes most times. If you don’t believe me, check out all the splatters of nail polish on my work desk… duvet covers… jeans… It’s everywhere! With that said, I was most impressed when Tweexy sent me one of there original finger mounted nail polish bottle holders to test out.Tweexy

With Tweexy, you can literally apply your nail polish just about anywhere… In the car, on a train, while doing push ups, you get the gist.

Tweexy fits all finger sizes and just about every size nail polish bottle. Made of silicone, the product is very bendy and movable. It sits securely on two fingers and once you’re done, it’s easily removed by pulling it off (vertically). No smeared manis, no problems! Tweexy

When I tested it out, I found that almost every bottle of nail polish I own, can fit into my tweexy. It took some time to get use to having it on my finger though. The bottle stayed put during an easy nail polish application but I wasn’t about to do jumping jacks with it. Once you’ve worked your (spreadsheet) brain around having the device on your fingers, and not being able to move your hand around as freely, it’s quite a nifty product to have! Tweexy

I have the sapphire night Tweexy. They also come in bonbon pink and spa green – so cute!

What do you think about the Tweexy?


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