Tips and tricks

The ABC’s of making sure your car is road safe

making sure my car is road safeChanging tyres, renewing license discs and car insurance… look, let’s be honest, as moms (and over all wonder women) we have more important things to worry about! Right? But, if you’re anything like me, you’d prefer to have your finger on it anyways. Maybe it’s my inner control freak speaking, but when it comes to making sure my license disc is renewed and my car is road safe, I’d rather not take fat chances. And hey, not having car insurance is like not having wet wipes in your baby bag – yep, you’re always wondering when the poo is going to hit the proverbial fan.

I’m not a pro but I figured that there probably are a few things I can check before hitting the road, to make sure my car is road ready:

Take a walk around
Get your ‘car safety’ game face on and regularly walk around your vehicle to check that everything is as it should be. For starters, check your tyre pressure and that your tyre treads are atleast 1mm across the tyre circumference. Hint: Obvious bulges or tears in your tyres should be seen to immediately. Make sure your front and rear lights (including indicators and emergency hazards) are in good working order.

Visit the petrol station
The wonderful attendants at your petrol station of choice can check that your tyre pressure, brake fluid, engine oil, radiator water and windscreen water is topped up. That would be a great time to make sure that your wipers (front and back) are working. And guess what, it’s free! Immediate win. I know.

Make an appointment with your car doctor
It’s also a good idea to make sure that your service history is up to date. Your vehicle maintenance guy will make sure that all the bits and bobs that you are not able to reach is in good condition and does not need replacing. I mean, who better to make sure that my car is not “sick” than an actual car doctor. (Hey, I like analogies, okay)

Renewing your car license
Renew your vehicles license disc annually by simply taking your Motor Vehicle License Renewal notice (MVL2), ID document, proof of address (utility bill) and renewal fee to one of the local licensing authorities (clue: your local Post Office). If you did not receive the MVL2 in the post, simply complete and sign an ALV form, which is available at the licensing authority or you can download it here.) Or, if you’re in the Western Cape, simply renew your disc online, yo!

king priceProtect your car, the smart way
If you’re an on-the-go mom, like I am, the last thing you need is to be stuck without your golden chariot. (Well, what else should I call my car?!) Protect your car, the clever way, by making sure that it is fully insured. In fact, one of the best things you can do for your car (besides making sure you have that extra pack of wet wipes handy for sticky fingers) is to get the right insurance cover.

Hey, how about insurance premiums that decreases monthly? Or discounted premiums when you have more than 2 cars insured on the same profile? Well, that’s what you get with King Price insurance. You can also insure some of your favorite things for just R1 every month and choose an excess range that best suits your budget. I know, right? Where do we sign up! For more information check out the King Price website. My pleasure.

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by King Price Insurance but all the written content is my own. Header banner attribute: Freepik. 

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