My spreadsheet brain

How to celebrate a birthday – well, kinda!

Go shorty, it’s my birthday! Well, not officially, but hey who’s counting? *cough* Me. I’m counting. It’s 17 days before my birthday and I’m so excited, I just can’t hide it! I can’t help it, you guys, I love birthdays! Why? Well, because crying about my age is out of the question. I’m still alive! Life is a celebration! Now to find the perfect way to celebrate it. One would think that I’d know how to celebrate a birthday. But this year I’m stumped! I’ve had a couple of ideas but thus far nothing seems to stick. So I did what any rational “mature” lady would do (I am mature, I promise), I Googled to see what OTHER people are doing for their birthdays. Duh! Well, it made sense to me anyways. Here’s what I found:

Themed party
I love a good costume party and I get the thrills at the mere thought of dressing up! With this in mind I was thinking about having a “L” party – you know, where people come dressed as something that starts with the letter “L”. (It’s L for Luchae… you get that, right?) I mean, the possibilities are endless… leopard, little mermaid, leprechaun, lady gaga? Hmm….

Leave the country
Okay that sounds a tad bit dramatic. What I meant to say was “leave the city” as in, go on a road trip! To where? Who knows. But the idea is to be as spontaneous and fun as possible. Road trip with no destination in mind! I guess it’s a bit harder to plan, with 4 kids to think about, but it’s a sweeet idea none the less. I’m all for the adventure! (Says the woman who wanted to secretly book an AirBnB in her home town so that she could sleep alone on a bed, in complete silence, for one whole night.)

Games night
I love games and trivia – it’s legit my thing! So one idea I had was to host the ultimate trivia night, where I would get my guests to come as teams (they must be dressed alike and everything), for a massive trivia and music trivia showdown! There’ll be prize (dum duuum!) and bonus rounds and gasp, maybe even a trophy at the end! (Dum dum duuuuuuum!!!!!!!!)

How to celebrate a birthdayFancy supper
I’m also not totally opposed to the idea of having a little restaurant celebration. I would want my guests to come dressed in their best attire (because let’s face it, for many of us this would also qualify as an unofficial “date night”). I would have a little photo corner, some birthday balloons, some bubbly and a lot of grown up behavior going on. Also, excellent lightening needed because we do it for the ‘gram. (Don’t even front, Margaret, yes you too)

Pamper zone
I have considered taking the day to do a full pamper – massages, manis and pedis, facials, the works! As much as a big celebration excites me, the thought of spending a whole day by myself feels like heaven! (Remember the AirBnB idea). I mean, I love my family but I wouldn’t mind 24 hours of alone time.

What have I decided to do? Well, nothing yet. Possibly nothing at all. I’m such a thrill. Living life on the edge, as usual. But please friends, lend me your ideas! What are the interesting, cost effective, things you’ve done for your birthday? (Key words: cost effective).

P.S. I will also be sharing a couple of amazing blog giveaways as a build up to my ‘coming of age’! So keep your eyes peeled to this space for more, over the next few days.

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