
  • About

    New space, same ramblings

    Hello there 🙂 How are you? I’m fine, thank you for metaphorically asking. Well, as you can see, things have changed a bit around here. It’s a new space! I’ve taken the plunge and decided that it was time to move from Blogger to WordPress. Why, I hear you ask… Well, there are 101 reasons why WordPress is more blog-smart than Blogger is. For motivation you can check out very informative articles over here and here.

  • About,  My spreadsheet brain

    Feature Friday: Yours truly

    On Feature Friday I feature people, products or just random things that I think are pretty cool. My aim is to leave you a little bit more enlightened and inspired! And hey, I’m open to new things, so please hollar at me, if you have any pretty cool FF suggestions.  Me In lieu of my week being super crazy and the fact that it’s my blog and I can feature if I want to, I’ve decided to share a little bit about myself in this weeks FF 🙂 I’m the wife of a really talented musician and together we have 3 kids: his, mine and ours! A little bit more about me…Well, to…