Tips and tricks

Five reasons why I’m moving to Windhoek!

Moving to WindhoekRain coats, congested traffic, car insurance and overcrowding – these are some of the things you needn’t worry about if you decide to ditch the hustle of your typical suburban SA living for that of the slow-paced goodness of Namibia’s sunny capital, Windhoek. When you think of Namibia, you may picture rolling desert plains, pitched tents and lack of plumbing. (Oh, was it just me then?) But Windhoek is way more urbanised than that. In fact, this bite-sized metropolis has a lot more to offer than a camel ride to a watering hole. Here are five reasons why I wouldn’t mind moving to Windhoek:

1. The food, always the food
The running joke is that beef and beer are all that really matter in Windhoek. It’s been said that you have to “drink a Windhoek in Windhoek” before you can say that you’ve experienced life in Namib, but I beg to differ. What I really want is to sample some of their world famous Wiener Schnitzels, which are supposedly sold even at local petrol stations. This Namibian staple (introduced by the Germans, who owned the country for a good part of its earlier years) is made of tenderised meat, crumbed and grilled to perfection and served with Brötchen rolls. Uhm, yes please!
2. Wide open spaces
You can literally choose your own adventure with things like trekking across the Kalahari, visiting the Etosha National Park and fishing in the Henties looking way more interesting than spending another day in another Cape Town super mall. The Namib sun, infamous for browning skin quicker than you can say “tanning salon”, is a perk on its own and you can kiss unnecessarily cold winters goodbye should you decide to make the big move!

3. Less competition
Apart from the food and the sun, I’m particularly fond of the thought that Windhoek is not as populated as South Africa is. There’s an overwhelming amount of land and an underwhelming amount of people, which equals less competition to survive! This becomes increasingly attractive each time you try to visit a SA beach during the peak of summer and spend most of the day looking for a place to park. Looking for beautiful beaches that have loads of space to accommodate you, your family and the neighbour’s kids? Well then Namibia is where it’s at!

StockSnap_LE972HLXB84. Everything’s so clean
Fewer people also means less crime and less pollution. The country is said to be one of the cleanest in the world. And besides for that, it’s internationally acclaimed for its approach to conservation. I mean, they take nature conservation so seriously that protection of the environment is written into their constitution. And also, schnitzels at petrol stations. So that.

5. No traffic
Not in yet? Well consider the fact that less people equals less traffic. That’s right, way fewer other vehicles on the road to contend with… A Jozi dream come true! According to my husband, my driving skills aren’t one of his favorite things about me. I beg to differ, I think I’m the safest driver this side of the Kalahari! But hey, either way I know that I’m covered because King Price has an office in Windhoek too. King Price gives you a quote based on your needs – no funny business and no hidden costs. And driving skills aside, with my car’s value dropping every month, it helps that my car insurance premium decreases monthly too! It’s only fair. Plus, you can enjoy the added benefit of only paying N$1 a month for hunting rifles, golf clubs and bicycles. Sounds like a sweet deal to me!
king priceFor more information check out the King Price Insurance Namibia website. 

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by King Price Insurance but all written content is my own.

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