Tips and tricks

How I made a breakfast bar using WEET-BIX!

My family has an ongoing love affair with WEET-BIX, you guys. I mean, seriously, besides for it being a fave in terms of breakfast cereals, it has also become my teens go-to midnight snack of choice. Do I understand it? Not always. Have I embraced it? Uhm, definitely! I mean, I’m not completely opposed to its wholesome goodness. It also helps that it contains 97% of wholegrains, no preservatives or colorants. (And let’s not forget the deliciousness factor… very important IMO).

But that’s not what you came here to learn. You came here to find out how on earth I made a breakfast bar using WEET-BIX. (Me, with my limited knowledge of baking. I did it. Can somebody give me a high five please?)

Well, for starters, you need to know that I did not devise the amazingly easy recipe myself. I mean, my Hubstopher will confirm that I am a low-key genius. (Right, babe?) But alas, I cannot take credit for this one. I actually spotted the recipe on the WEET-BIX My Way mobi-site. The site is filled with a ton of really great recipe ideas that kinda inspires you to eat your WEET-BIX a lot differently compared to how you usually would enjoy it.

Whether you’re a smoothie kinda person, or you like that extra crunch in your mac and cheese, or you’re daring enough to enjoy it with atchar and chillies, there are so many different ways to incorporate your favorite wholegrain breakfast cereal into your everyday snacks and meals.

Right, back to me being impressive with my WEET-BIX breakfast bar. Here’s how I made it:

WEET-BIX crushed
Baking powder
Rolled oats
Brown sugar
Fruit and nutmix
You can find the exact measurements on the mobisite over here.

Mix together the flour, baking powder, crushed WEET-BIX, oats, sugar, fruit and nut mix.
In a separate bowl mix your egg, milk, margarine and honey.
Then combine the concoction with your dry ingredients.
Press the final mix into a prepared tin and bake in a preheated over for 25-30 minutes.
Once baking is done, take out of oven and allow to cool, before cutting it into bars.
You can find the exact method on the mobisite over here.


(This giveaway is closed)

Will you be giving this a go? Or have you spotted an interesting WEET-BIX recipe on the mobi-site? Well, friend, try out one of the cool recipes from the site, take a snap and tag me on social media and you could win a R500 shopping voucher, compliments of WEET-BIX! Giveaway ends on 28 May 2019. Winner announced on 29 May 2019.


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