
The Thief: Our engagement story

I know I’ve been really bad at keeping my blogs up to date, so here I am to redeem myself with a very special engagement post. On the 30th of December 2012, Chris proposed and I said: YES! 🙂 <3

The gory details: 
Chris made me rehearse for a whole afternoon because we were meant to do a song item at church. I sang my little heart out, trying to get this thing perfect. Chris ended up inviting our families to church and everything, so that they could see us do the item AND he was leading worship so it was a special service for us anyways. Little did I know that the dude had something else up his (cardigan) sleeve. ANYWAYS… After worship it was time for the song item… Chris and I made our way to the stage, and I stand there, with a mic in my hand, waiting for him to start the song with his guitar.

And nothing happens. I’m thinking, oh no, the sound guy forgot to plug the guitar in or something… All of a sudden a DIFFERENT song starts playing… And I’m a bit confused… coz this is definitely not the song we rehearsed! Lo and behold, my Chrissy starts singing to me 🙂 Right there! On the stage! Of corse, the congregation cheered him on when they realized what was happening! It only hit me like, few seconds later. Talk about delayed reaction.

He sang a song by one of my favorite singer/songwriters, Brooke Fraser, called “The Thief”. I’ve always told Chris that The Thief MUST be our wedding song! And now it will be. Anyways, so there I stand, as my boyfriend serenades me in front of the church, family and friends. He then went on one knee and said: “Luchae, I cant think of a better place to do this… in front of God, our friends and family. I said that I would do this before the end of 2012, and this is the night. Luchae Gie, will you marry me?” 

Well, something along those lines… I was to busy crying and trying to hide my face in my hair to hear him hahaha. The congregation was sooooo awesome… cheering him on and encouraging me (telling me to say YES lol). Which I did. Of course. It was the most perfect moment ever! Anyways… we’ve set our wedding date for the 16th December 2013, which gives us plenty of time to plan and enjoy this time of being betrothed. By the way, I forget to say that. AAAAAAACK!

See pics below 🙂 We got it at lots of different angles coz everyone at church took pics.
God is so faithful!!!!!
Happiness is me!! <3engagement


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