Do it for the 20
My spreadsheet brain

Do it for the 20…

I have a lot going on and between EC Meet Up, Gateway News, my commitment to my church’s Music&Creative Arts department, my actual 9 to 5 and oh ya, I have a family; things are a bit cray cray on this side. I explained all of this to Hubstopher, telling him that I’ve only been able to blog once or twice per week, lately. I had been toying with the idea of pausing the blog for a period (or indefinitely) and jokingly said that the 20 people who read it won’t exactly be boycotting the internet because of my idea to shut down. To which I was promptly and politely put on my place. My darling Hubstopher reckons that it doesn’t matter if your post reaches 1 person or 1000 people… “if only 20 people are reading your posts, then that’s fine… do it for the 20!” he said.

He was so passionate about it, I almost thought he was going to go all church preacher on me. It didn’t end there. An hour into being at work, he sent me a text that said “do it for the 20”. This guy is as persistent as Madonna’s music career. But I think that he has a point.

Have you ever considered what YOUR reach is? When we think about people who have influence, Mother Theresia or Beyonce comes to mind. But you don’t have to be a blogger, or a politician, or a celeb (with really good hair) to be affluent. You are probably impacting individuals on a daily basis (and you don’t even know it!) with the things you say and do.

I mean, if you’re a mom, it’s kind of a no brainer. You already know that your kids watch everything you do (I can’t even poop without an audience, yo). So the way that you treat people and respond to situations is, like, a blueprint for them. Our biggest audience may be online, but our most important audience lives under our roof.

We are all walking billboards and sometimes we kinda forget to be mindful of what we are advertising – you have the ability to affect those around you! Your influence is important, whether it touches 1 life or 10000 lives.

And hey, let’s not even bring up social media, yo. Social media has literally given the masses a microphone, allowing everyone to shout out their opinions all at the same time. It can get a bit mind numbing, for sure.

But hey, you don’t need to be on a stage to make a statement. You don’t need to have a big following, in order to bring about change. Be persistent. Be intentional. Be consistent. But, above all, walk in the confidence that you are exactly where you’re meant to be, you have the ability to change the atmosphere wherever you go, and you have the power to influence… even if it’s only 20 people.


  • Nadine Larter

    That’s definitely a good attitude I reckon. I’m pretty sure that usually I don’t have that many readers (today is being weird – I have 973 hits today – wtf?) but I pretty much usually do it for the 1: me. Blogging honestly helps me stop obsessing about whatever I’m obsessing about. I get it on the page. Put it out there. Then I can chill. Is that weird? Maybe I should write a blog about it…

    • Luchae

      BWahahahaha! Nadine, you are truely a legend! I agree with you totally. And yes, please write a blog about it.

  • Miriam

    Wasn’t planning to post today because I’m not feeling all that motivated but after reading this. I am going to do it for the 20. Thanks for this

  • Elsie Mutsaka

    For the 20! What an encouraging post Luchae. Also, must be nice always having an audience at home all the Joys of being a mother

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