My spreadsheet brain

2017: Winning! (Without a new year’s resolution)

2017: WinningHey, here’s a pretty bold statement to make: I’m not a fan of new year’s resolutions.
Say whaaaa? Yes, really. While I appreciate that the start of a new year seems like a really good time to find purpose or make a change, guess what, you don’t have to start on the 1st of January. And, quite honestly, expecting an immediate change, after making a resolution (at any time of the year) is a bit of a long haul. What have I decided for this year though? Well, quite simply, 2017: Winning! Here’s what that means:

If I were to get all Biblical on you, I would explain that the Biblical meaning of the number 17 is “complete victory”. And that is what I’ve taken for myself and my family this year. Complete victory. Winning, in every area of my life. I was so chuffed to find my John C Maxwell Daily Planner has a “Success Journey” at the start of every month. (Yes, as the video reveals, I really love this daily planner!) It prompts you to make goals for the professional, financial, relational, mental, spiritual, physical and leisure aspect of your life. I already feel like a winner!

It got me thinking: How do I want to win in my finances this year? How do I want to win, on a relational level? Mentally, which areas do I need to work on, to find complete victory, this year? It’s more than just going to the gym or starting a new eating plan. There are vast areas of our lives that need constant little mindset changes – small, daily decisions lead to BIG results!

So, I started by writing down my “winning” goal next to each area. Then I broke it down into monthly and weekly goals. It’s little things (like, if I want to work on my relationship with my son, maybe a weekly/biweekly date?) that will add up to the big things! And THAT is how you win, my friends. Let’s call it practice, shall we? I mean, one does not simply wake up a week later and suddenly you’re a champion piano player. Right?

I also realized that I need to read more, in order to win on a mental level. Christian Art Media has sent me a whole bunch of really top, inspirational and mentally stimulating, books that I need to get into.  And please, don’t let the “inspirational and mentally stimulating” part make you think that these books are in any ways boring. No sir. I finished one of them in like a day. And I have the attention span of a goldfish. Nuff said.

I’d also like to help YOU win, this year. Yes, I’m talking about giveaways, but more than that, a monthly giveaway that would help you succeed in 2017! So keep your eye on the blog for more deets. You could also follow me over on Facebook and Twitter because I might say a lot more stuff over there.

In the meantime, let me get back to winning in my professional life (aka work, I need to work right now. But eat first. Then work). It’s going to be a GOOD year! I can feel it in my chicken mayo roll that I’m about to devour.

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