My spreadsheet brain

All about 2017, even though it’s 2018 already

We are nine days into the new year and I have yet to chat about how amazingly weird 2017 was. Guys, on a scale of one to Lady Gaga, how weird was 2017 for you? It was uber strange on this side of the world. I mean, sure I birthed a beautiful baby boy and I have a lot to be thankful for, but a lot of ish went down that straight up sucked. For starters, I’ve been tired like, 24/7. In fact, I’m still tired. And I just woke up. But, allow me to further explain, in this super entertaining blog montage! (Insert catchy music here)

The start of 2017 was filled with mixed emotions because I tried so hard to figure out how I was going to add one more bouncy baby to our already over populated clan. Our children rock! I just wasn’t sure how I would manage with four of them. It was also the month I realized that I’m totally okay with being a blogger. I mean, I’m not exactly a part of the the group of elite, super bloggers, who dominate the scene in South Africa. But I sure do love doing this! Oh and we found out that Jonah was a little boy! Yay! (Between me and you, I was totally going to name the kid Jonah either way…)

I remember hearing the news that my baby could have down syndrome. I also remember thinking that God’s plan is better than mine and whatever must happen must happen! My preggy hormones kicked in and I think I gave Hubstopher a hard time, but he took it like the champ that he is. Oh and my teen asked me if he could have a girlfriend. Yep, that happened!

My birthday month is always my favorite month, you guys! In 2017 I decided to be a model (this one was for the bucket list). I partnered with three fabulous maternity wear brands and did three really cool fashion shoots. Yeah, I know, how Kim Kardashian of me! In March I also ruffled a few tail feathers when I blogged about the big Spur debacle. Apparently my post insinuated that I do not care about the future of my children, since I am not taking the political tension in South Africa seriously enough etc etc. I obviously disagree. I also don’t allow negative debates in my comments section, just like how I don’t allow it in my own home. Oh and in March I chatted about my role as Seth’s step mama. See what I mean? What a roller coaster and it was only March!

Facebook “On This Day” posts reminded me of a group of friends who I missed hanging with. But I’ve changed, and they’ve changed. So I wrote a blog post called “Dear friend who is no longer my friend” and you guys could totally relate and you made me feel as if I’m not a crazy lady for feeling the feelings that I…uh… feel. Thank you. Oh and we also debated on whether or not it’s okay to tell your friends secrets to your husband. You guys are so clever.

Still pregnant, at this point, I was ready to pop the baby out! But first, we had a #ECMeetUp to get through! I somehow got my dates mixed and we ended up hosting the blogger meet up like, a day after my maternity leave kicked in. Yep, I totally almost gave birth at a bloggers meet up. How awkward would that have been? Fortunately, Jo only came a couple of days later. I told you guys about all the strange ways I plan to induce labour. Some of you laughed at me (thanks friends) and some inboxed me really great advice and words of encouragement. And finally, you guys, Jonah Mark Williams was born on May 25th 2017!

The middle of 2017 was pretty hectic for me. I mean, I was at home trying to recover after just giving birth. But my brain was racing with all the ideas I had for the blog AND I was working from home… all while juggling home life and my needy toddler. It was pretty intense and yes, I did beat myself up about it millions of times. But hey, atleast we had Jonah’s newborn photo shoot to bring on the happy.

newborn photo shootJuly
Guys, the mom guilt (and just like, LIFE guilt, in general) was eating me up by July. I had to re-calibrate and figure out how I was going to balance all the amazing things I have in my life – kids, husband, relationship, work, blog, ministry and the beat goes on. Karis was acting up a bit (because, duh, new baby brother) and I felt slightly responsible even though deep down I knew that it wasn’t my fault (or anyone else’s for that matter… I mean, she’s a toddler! Toddler’s are dramatic!) I also had a revelation that I probably should stop picking fights with my teenager, because he’s at a weird phase in his life and I’m probably not making it better. I know, right? Parent of the Year.

On that note, I spoke about being an “angry mom” in August. I think being angry all the time stemmed from the need to be in control at all times. If you have as many kids as I do, all with different personalities, going through different stages of their lives, seriously how much control can you expect to have?! So glad I let that one go. Oh and breastfeeding got the better of me. I loved it, but Jonah eventually weaned himself. Talk about rejection. I handled it well though. Oh and I wrote a very emotive Women’s Day post about my husband. I really do appreciate him so much you guys. Even though he never reads my blog.

So in September someone tried to hack my website. I mean, I don’t know what they were hoping to achieve by doing this. Anyways, they lost and I won. I did blog about it though. I also told you guys about how Jo FINALLY took the bottle! I was a complete stress ball for a while because I thought he wouldn’t be able to go to daycare, which is not ideal since my maternity leave was drawing to an end.

I feel like I’ve been a hot mess for pretty much most of the year. By the time October came around, I was ready to give up and move to a small island where I wouldn’t have to brush my hair or wear shoes again for the rest of my life. Yeah, one could say that I felt like I wasn’t coping. On the blog front I also chatted about the new law that bans us from spanking our kids and I asked you guys if you call your in-laws “Mom” and “Dad”.

The year was coming to an end. I felt particularly nostalgic, so I wrote about it here. We also had our final #ECMeetUp for the year, and it was a good one! I love Christmas you guys. But I was weird this time around. I mean, I even wrote a complain post about December! Gasp! The shock, the horror, the betrayal!

Co-parenting drama in DecemberDecember
In December I had many a cool giveaway but also chatted about the 2017 trends that were on fleek and uhh off fleek, in my most humblest opinion. We had a lekker debate about co-parenting and some of you inboxed me, asking for advice and sharing your ideas. Thank you for always engaging, I really do enjoy hearing your opinions! I ended off 2017 on a weird note though because I’ve been too darn tired to bring out “festive Luchae.”

I’ve decided to start 2018 right which is why I’ve been on an extended break. You can’t pour from an empty cup, yo! But I have a lot more to share with you soon. Thank you for reading, commenting and sharing! I appreciate all of you.

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