Tips and tricks

Gift ideas: What to put under the tree this Christmas {featuring Anniemation Floe}

I love Christmas! But I don’t love “uhmming” and “ahhhing” about what to get my family and friends for Christmas. So I’ve called in the experts! As a build up to the most wonderful time of the year, a few of my blogging buddies have agreed to share their ideas on amazing Christmas gifts for the whole family. Check out their picks and please, by all means, feel free to choose something special to put under MY Christmas tree too 😉 

Anastasiya Meintjes from Anniemation Flo blogs part-time, like I do, and is a copy and content writer by day. I don’t know how she does it all, with a 3 year old AND a 5 month old! (I’m sure it helps that they are adorable!)

I love Ana’s blog because it’s REAL. She chats about her family quite a lot and is a bit of a randomy (which I can relate to). She say’s she has never been good at picking out gifts for others – she suffers from, what I call “Gift Anxiety”. This is the very reason why I started this series! My gift anxiety rivals others, I’m sure!

Here are her favorite Christmas gift list picks:

For my special someone
It’s quite simple when it comes to choosing a gift for him. His passion lies in rugby and he coaches at one of the clubs in our area. So anything rugby related is a winner. Since rugby is part of his passion, I know he will take the gifts to his heart.

For the kids
The oldest is really a breeze with gifts, if it has wheels on it, he’s happy. He’s also starting to take an interest in action figures and enjoys his imaginary play with them. The youngest has everything handed down from his older brother, however we do want him to feel special by giving him something that is his. He loves to cuddle so we decided to get him his own cuddle toy (he’s currently using his older brothers, who isn’t very happy with the idea).

For me
There is something on my mind that I would really like – a bookshelf. I have three boxes full of books that have been standing under my stairs for almost four years because in all reason, I can’t afford one. I’d love to be able to access all my books without having to unpack them out of a box to find the one I’d like to read.

Special mentions
Family members and friends, I look out for what they enjoy using or spending their time on. Some are shoe obsessed, others like crocheting and some like books. So it’s easy to choosing a specific gift for every person.

All in all, I’m not so big on gifts. I would rather use the money to create a memorable day with my family than spend the money on gifts that will be forgotten or, in the case of kids, broken not long after receiving them. To me, Christmas is about giving yes, but it’s about giving time to each other and celebrating together. The gifts are just a bonus.

What are your favorite gift ideas, this Christmas? 

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