Tips and tricks

Boy or girl? Fun baby gender prediction tests that got it right!

One of the most exciting parts of expecting a baby is trying to guess what the gender is. If you Google everything and it’s cat (like I do) you may have come across a few crazy gender prediction tests. But do they actually work? Well, I thought to try out a bunch of them, when I was pregnant with Jonah Mark, to see which ones would get it right. I mean, I want you guys to make informed decisions, and (truth be told) I was actually pretty curious to see if there was truth to any of it too. Here are the fun baby gender prediction tests that we tried out:

It’s in the baby bump
Check out your belly in the mirror. Carrying low? It’s probably a boy. Carrying high? It’s a girl! I always thought that I was carrying pretty high. But, Jonah is a boy (duh) so the baby bump theory didn’t quite work out.

Chips vs Sweeties
They say that girls are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. So if you’re craving sweet things, you’re most likely carrying a little girly! Craving salty or sour foods means that it’s a boy. With that said I eat enough cheesy hot chips to guarantee that our little bebe was a budding boy!

What does the heart say
I’ve read articles that explain that a girl’s heart beat is faster than that of a boy. So next time you’re due for an ultrasound, make sure to check if the babes heartbeat is 140+ per minute. My babes heartbeat was 147, which should have been a clear indication that it’s a girl. A guess a bunch of factors could come into play with this one, but nah, it did not work for us.

Chinese Birth Chart
The Chinese Birth Chart is an ancient method of calculating your baby’s gender by using your conception dates and other factors. has a version that you can try out over here. I did it and according to the Chinese, I was having a girl… which was inaccurate.

Baby Centre 
Well known baby and parenting website, Baby Centre, also has a ‘gender predictor’ and when I tried theirs out it said that it’s a boy! Give it a go over here. I mean, I’m not saying its the be-all of all gender predictor tests, but it was pretty interesting.

Put a ring on it
This is a bit ‘hocus pocus’, but legend says that if you tie your wedding ring to a string, and hang it over your belly, the ring would bare all the answers! If it swings back and forth then it’s a girl. If it swings in a circle, it’s a little boy. I tried this and the ring “told” me that I am expecting a girl.

Lesson learnt: gender prediction tests are fun but not always accurate, it turns out! Which gender prediction tests and activities do you recommend?


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