Lindsay Thomas of Love Made Me
My spreadsheet brain

Meet the Mommy Blogger: Lindsay Thomas of Love Made Me

Lindsay Thomas of Love Made MeOne thing you might not know about us “mommy bloggers” is that we actually do have other interests besides our kids. I promise. I mean, take Lindsay Thomas of Love Made Me, for example. This lady is a certified Doula, you guys. That means she is a birth companion or post birth supporter, assisting moms during child-birth and basically being a voice of reason and calm at a time when emotions run high. How unbelievably legit is that?!

Lindsay was introduced to blogging a couple of years ago when she fell pregnant with her eldest, after stumbling across another mommy blog. She shares: “On days when parenting was hard I would escape my reality and read. The thing was, all these other mothers out there were experiencing exactly what I was. I felt connected, somehow, to these hundreds of women all over the world and strangely enough it made me feel like I could do this.”

She only jumped onto the blogger bandwagon after her second baby was born, as a way to document all her thoughts during the particularly challenging days. The great thing about blogging is that it’s theraputic – your blog becomes your therapist and you get to vent and share your feelings to a super supportive audience. (Well, for the most part.) But the BEST thing about blogging is that when you put your own story out there, for the world to see, you empower other women who may feel as if they are the only one going through the exact same thing.

“There have been a few life lessons I have learnt from blogging. I’ve learnt that patience is possible. I’ve learnt that its ok to open up. I’ve learnt that growth takes time and hard work. There are some great people in the world, some of which I would never have met (this goes for virtual world and in person) if it wasn’t for my blog. Not everyone will agree with me, share my views or think I’m great – AND THAT’S OK” 

Lindsay proudly refers to herself as a “mommy blogger” because she shares so much of the highs and lows of parenting with her audience. Covering topics relating to parenting, lifestyle, food and travel, she aims to share posts that offer advice. “I look at posts this way – will this help someone? Whether its quick tips, sharing an experience or even doing a review – will it help?”

“I want to inspire other moms out there. I want them to know that you are not alone in this wonderful journey called Parenting. Some days it can get rough, I know, but I want them to know that they can do it!”

Lindsay Thomas of Love Made MeIt’s not all fun and games, you guys. Blogging requires some serious dedication, yo! Lindsay shares my sentiment. She says that the most challenging part about blogging is the part where you actually need to sit down to do it. I mean, the only time I actually sit down is when I use the toilet. And even then I sometimes have an audience. (The struggle is real).

Last year was a hectic one for Lindsay. She says she suffered from a severe case of “Mom Blogger Guilt” because she had to put her blog aside for a while. But she’s back and ready for action, Jackson, with a super cool blog series! In the Rise of the Doula series, she chats more about the local Doula’s in her community and shares personal stories about successful Doula-assisted births.

“I believe that knowledge should be shared, and I’m doing my best to try and give some Doula tips to parents out there. My passion as a Doula is to focus on volunteering at local MOU’s and Government facilities, however my long term goal is to be a Doula full time.”

You can follow this amazing super mama over on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram. Check out some of my fave Love Made Me posts over here:

Rise of the Doula

First day back to school prep

Having a Doula present makes a difference to your birthing experience

Birth day preparation

Surviving and thriving as a single mom on Mother’s Day

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