stop asking me to have another baby
My spreadsheet brain

5 reasons why you need to stop asking me to have another baby

It’s no secret, we have more children than members of Destiny’s Child. I mean, if you told me a couple of years ago that my reign in the ‘Single Mommy Hood’ would be short-lived and replaced with a full on explosion of many children, I would’ve laughed at you. But years later, here I sit stretch mark bedecked and permanently exhausted due to the fact that I seem to enjoy buying nappies. (Kidding) And yet, people still ask me when I’m popping out the next little Williams. Bless their hearts. But seriously guys, you need to stop asking me to have another baby. Here’s why:

Mommy incubator
I am more than just my ovaries, you guys! I must admit, having Jo and Kari so close after each other has taken a serious toll on my body. Like, I have problems that were not problems before. But, health aside, I also miss the superficial things. You know, like being able to fit into basically every item of clothing that I owned pre-Karis. As much as I love being pregnant (and I don’t take this gift for granted at all), after popping out 3 kids, I definitely love being not pregnant a whole lot more.

School fees
Consider paying school fees for one child. Now multiply that by 4. That is all.
(Hahahaha, joking, that isn’t all. We also have to buy food and clothes and pay for extra murals and medical aid and trips to the movies. Joy.)

Quality time, shmality time
The last time I held my husbands hand was last week when he had to pull me up from the bathroom floor, because I slipped on someone’s something. It’s the toys, you guys! They’ve taken over my house! But besides for that, there is ALWAYS something that needs to be picked up, or cleaned, or sorted out. I miss the days where my Hubstopher and I could be romantic on the couch, without like, a Barbie doll staring at me, in judgement and disdain.

Car seat ooh na na
So if you have many children and only one car, consider what that means if you’re wanting all of them to be buckled in safely and correctly at the same time. It has seriously become a huge problem for us. I know… buy a bigger car. Sure thing, Scrooge McDuck, let me quickly take a swim through my many fortunes and gather some money to do this. #realtalk #reallife #goaway

Somebody call Dr Phil…
I don’t want to give my children issues, okay? We try to make all four of them feel loved and noticed and important. It’s no small feat, yo. I mean, Kari is a little jealous if Jo gets too much attention. And then Seth only sleeps over on weekends, so he should surely get as much attention as possible right? But then, Kyle is now in full blown teenager mode and we don’t want to make him feel left out. Its cray cray, ya’ll! Add one more to this mix? Uhhh…

I do believe we have reached maximum capacity. I mean, we may have our hands full, but we’re managing somehow. (God. It has to be God.) And yes, I definitely do want to consider adopting at some point (in the far, far future), but as for right now? We’re good, thanks.

Header image taken by Cutepix Photography For more, check out their website.

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