
How to give your kids a gift that isn’t theirs

We love our children, as is expected. We want to give them the best that we can and never want them to experience lack or limitation. But I’m often faced with the “it’s not all about you!” challenge, when I find them taking things for granted, and find myself bringing out my inner beast parent, to show them that  the world certainly does not revolve around them and their latest game or fad.

It is with this in mind that we diligently and joyfully partake in the Santa Shoebox initiative each year. It is a great initiative where you sign up, choose a child (or children) in your area, who live in poverty stricken homes or at institutions where they may not have as much as we do. You then put together a Christmas box of sorts, that will contain a variety of essentials. The box is prettily decorated for reuse (which is a big deal for these kids already) and you are always welcome to add more than what the list stipulates – special items that you feel would mean a lot to your sponsored child.We Santa Shoebox every single year. I have made it a habit for us to choose 1 boy who is close in age to our boys and for the past few years, we have been quite fortunate to be able to choose the same boy every single year. The boys know his name already and they’ve written him letters before, so I am sure he might feel as if he knows them too. Last year, with the loom bands craze going on, the boys added tons of loom bands and loom makers for him to use. The year before that we added some books that they loved.

Every year we try to make the box special, because he is special and he should feel loved and not as if we threw things in a box because we feel sorry for him. I have found that since the boys are able to relate to our pledge (because he is a boy too and close in age), it has made the packing and deciding of what goes in the box so much more special and important to them.

I’ve also decided to sponsor a little girl, who is close in age to our Curly. I would love to apply the same concept to this little girls box and hopefully would have the honor of being her sponsor until Curly is able to understand it all.Not only is it our responsibility to look after orphans and those who are unable to fend and provide for themselves (that’s what the Bible says yo), but it is a huge privilege to be able to speak into the lives of children – even if it’s through a simple Christmas gift box.

I appeal to you: Please check out the Santa Shoebox website and consider pledging a child. The closing date is looming and there are hundreds of children who are still not sponsored and your box would mean the world to them. If you are unable to physically pack a box and get it to the drop off centers in time, there are easy peasy virtual boxes available for you to purchase. You are blessed to be a blessing!

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