Heart matters

Looking for a house to call home…

homeTo say that we are ‘homeless’ is an outrage because we actually have a roof over our heads, while some have none. But we’ve been in “home limbo” for the few months now – and it sucks!

We moved out of our old place a few months ago and due to reasons (out of our new landladys control) we’ve had to postpone moving into our new home. This is why owing your own property is important, kids!

Eventually, after a lot of back and forthing, we took it as a sign from the Lord that the new place was not the one for us. It was such an anti-climax, but it made sense. I mean, why all the delays? Anyways, we had a chat with the landlady (who is very nice btw). She was so understanding about it, apologizing for the delays etc. But I think we both realized that this wasn’t the one for us. It was back to the drawing board for team Williams.

Hubstopher’s parents have been putting up with us in the meantime but the novelty of living on the “edge” (so to speak) is slowly wearing off now.  My stuff’s been in bondage storage for longer than I care to count and I really need to have my space back. I find myself suddenly missing all the mundane things that come with running your own home. Things like buying electricity and doing the washing every Saturday morning. Who knew that I’d actually miss going grocery shopping and repacking my meats and chicken into neat compartments in my freezer. I want it back! Hubstopher misses it a little bit more than I do. I guess nothing feels more “back to the future” than moving back home after you’ve had one of your own.

But in the midst of all the uncertainty, we still have so much to be thankful for! As I’ve said, Hubstopher’s parents have been terrific – we are so thankful. Their house is big enough to accommodate us and the perks are that Curly Sue is always entertained. They are smitten with her and she knows it! Things could have ended pretty badly, but we’re covered and always taken care of.

So for now, we’re on that “house hunt” trip. We’re keeping our fingers crossed and our chins up – God has it all figured out, I’m sure of it!


  • Kim Muller

    Good luck. Hope you find your house soon. We’ve also been house hunting. Since February. It’s really frustrating but we’re trying to remember to trust that God is in control and that we’ll find our forever home soon.

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