5 Tips for a Fun Family Game Night with Uber Eats
Tips and tricks

5 Tips for a Fun Family Game Night with Uber Eats

So if you have as many children as I do, you pretty much run out of ideas on how to keep them all happy at the same time. I mean, they don’t all have the same taste in movies, or food and believe me when I say, they don’t find the same things entertaining. Luckily for me, with Uber Eats on my side, I am able to cater to a variety of tastes, while saving some time to spend on deciding which fun games I can play (and win at!) on a family game night.

We love family game night! I usually throw one of these in the mix when I feel that we need some unscheduled family time. A family game night is a great way to bond with your kids and, if you pick the right games, everyone is bound to have fun! Here are some of my (tried and tested) tips for a fun family game night:

Each one pick one

A clever way to get a nice mix of games and activities, for the entire family to enjoy, is to have each member of the family suggest at least one or two games they would like to play. The result: a bullet proof, hodge-podge of interesting games, as recommended by the players themselves. It’s genius, really. Less brain work for you and a lot more (guaranteed) fun for them!

Mix it up

Instead of creating set teams for the whole night, why not mix it up and create new teams with each game. This will encourage team spirit and a chance for everyone to bond with – well – everyone else. Also, I’m the “Obnoxious Police” and I don’t allow obnoxious boasting to put a damper on our game night. It’s a teaching moment, you guys… teach your children to encourage each other!

Set the rules

So once we have a list of games, I make sure to have the rules for all games, displayed visibly for all to see. The “rules chart” is as detailed as possible, so that if a dispute arises, the “rules chart” will offer a resolution. But hey, conflict management is important and family game night is a great way to help your family figure out how to resolve conflicts without, you know, someone being grounded FOR LIFE. (That’s just one example, but you get the jist.)

Prizes are important

Okay, this statement is not true. Prizes aren’t important. Spending time together is. But prizes sure do make things a lot more exciting! Our games night prizes are made up of sweet treats and trinkets bought at the R10 store. Hint: you want to wrap them up in impressive looking boxes, to create an air of excitement. We also have a super cool floating trophy that I made using a large tin and foil. How impressive am I?

No hard work

I’m a firm believer that a happy mama is a mama who doesn’t have to wash the dishes. Well, something along those lines. So my ideal family game night will include ordering in food via Uber Eats. The cool thing is that the app has partnered with all our favourite restaurants and for a fee of R10 per delivery, we can order in everyone’s favourite meals and we don’t even need to leave home. Or wash the dishes afterwards. Did you know that Uber Eats has hundreds of restaurants to choose from? The app is so simple, even my kids know how to use it – provided they are supervised by me or hubby. It also allows you to track your food in real time, from the restaurant straight to your door! How cool is that? Oh and did I mention that the delivery fee is ONLY R10?! Double score!

And that’s that, friends! What do you think? Will you be throwing a family game night anytime soon? Have you tried out Uber Eats yet? Let me know in the comments section below.

Disclaimer: This post was written in collaboration with Uber Eats

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