
The big chocolate covered marshmallow egg comparison

If your family is anything like my family, you’ve probably eaten your way through many a box of marshmallow eggs by now. And it’s not even Easter yet. I mean, I’m not complaining… I LOVE marshmallow eggs, you guys! Maybe its the chocolaty goodness on the outside… or the gooey mallow on the inside… or a combo of both. Who knows! We’ve learnt not to question these things, unless the question is: “Can I have another mallow egg please?” 

But guys, I had found myself in a weird predicament the other day, when I popped into the store to purchase (yet another) box of mallow eggs. There were just so many to choose from! I mean, how does one wrap one’s brain around such things?

A big marshmallow egg comparison had to be done! So I enlisted the taste buds of my family members, who acted as independent auditors. After some investigating, they decided that the following were in the running for marshmallow egg champion of 2019: 
(left to right: Checkers Eggs Galore, Woolworths Marshmallow Egg, SPAR Marshmallow Egg, Cadbury Fluffies Mallow Egg, Beacon Marshmallow Egg)

We grabbed a couple of strings of each of these from a few of our favorite retailers. Everyone had their own idea of which one would come out on top.

It was decided that, when it comes to judging, a bunch of different factors would come into play. I mean, if you’re a frugal mom like me, you’d want more bang for your buck, for sure. So price is important. But if you’re after quality, you’d want to make sure that the chocolate actually tastes like chocolate and that the marshmallow is just the right texture.

I mean, these things are important. My independent taste auditors (Hubstopher, Seth  and Karis) were ready for action! They started by comparing the size of each egg. Because, hello, when it comes to chocolate, size matters.

Result: It seems that the Beacon and Fluffies eggs were slightly bigger than the rest. The SPAR brand chocolate seemed a bit darker than the rest. Oh and Karis says that they all smell the same, so that’s probably worth nothing too.

We then compared things like, how chocolaty the chocolate is and how marshmallow-y the marshmallow is. Both the chocolate factor and marshmallow quality were given a mark out of 10 each. Seth also insisted that we consider the “over all eating experience”.

According  to our auditors, the Cadbury Fluffies won the taste challenge. The Beacon, a firm favorite in many households, was a close second.

If your kids are okay with any type of marshmallow egg and you’re looking to save on dollar bill, you should probably consider that you’ll be spending the following per egg, per box:

Eggs Galore: R1.67 per egg (R50 for a box of 30 eggs)
Woolworths Marsmallow Egg: R2.30 per egg (R55 for a box of 24)
SPAR Marshmallow Egg: R1.25 per egg (R60 for a box of 48)
Cadbury Fluffies: R2.33 per egg (R70 for a box of 30)
Beacon Egg: R1.67 per egg (R80 for a box of 48)
(Please note: prices may vary)

So there you have it! What is your favorite chocolate mallow egg?


  • Candy Oosthuizen

    Fluffies definitely win hands down. I dont want to buy another box because I will keep them for myself!!!

  • Megan Keith

    I love that Karis noted that they all smell the same. That is a key point! And look, nothing compares to the Beacon eggs. They are a staple of Easter. I don’t ever remember an Easter celebration without them. But those Cadbury Fluffies? Oh. My. Goodness. By far, the closest to tasting like a Beacon egg. Beacon has some serious competition with those Fluffies! I’m torn! If only my bank account allowed for a box of each! Megan xx

  • Candice Gallant

    Thanks for this Luchae really helps but i simple love the fluffies too its just so yummy.Clicks have them 3 for 2 special, 1 free if you buy 2 boxes, but sold out at metlife clicks ,need to try the other branches and you can get someone to share with you if you dont want all 3 lol

  • sula1968

    And with more options than ever before, not ONE of them are egg free. Once upon a time the PnP brand were egg free and my allergic son loved them, now he’s just miserable and doesn’t want the bunny to even come to our house.

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