Stylish Steppers
Nelson Mandela Bay,  Reviews

Stylish Steppers: Helping me nail those hair goals

Stylish SteppersSo, you may or may not know that I have more grey hairs than a Golden Girl. No, seriously, the patches of greys on my head resemble a really warped version of a map of the world. Yep, it’s that much. And yep, this means that I color my hair quite regularly. So I’m always on the look out for product that can make my mane feel loved and cared for, and not as if I’m trying to morph it into something that it doesn’t want to be. Anyways, I was super duper chuffed when the wonderful Michelle of Stylish Steppers took one look at me and said “you should try out my new range!” Finally! Someone recognizes my potential to be a hair model. Or a Kardashian. I mean, I’ll take either one, thanks.

Turns out Michelle is not working for Kris Jenner. Better yet, she is actually working for herself and besides for running her own highly popular hair salon, Stylish Steppers, she has also started developing her own hair care products. Stylish Steppers is based in Nelson Mandela Bay and I’ve heard such great things about Michelle and team. But, truth be told, it was mainly from my curly girl friends. And hey, since we’re being honest, I sometimes felt like I can’t sit at the curly girl table, because those chicks are so darn fierce, surely what works for them won’t work for me. Right?

Stylish SteppersWell, yeah, I am right. We can’t really use the same product. BUT Michelle has taught me that this is exactly why you need to find a salon and a hairdresser who actually KNOWS hair. You need a “hair person” who has a passion for hair. Someone with more than just skill! And that’s what I found in this wonderful lady. For starters, Ella has been raving about her curly girl product (which I am yet to try on my own curly girl). But then Michelle told me that she has developed product for us straight haired sisters too (yay, someone actually sees us, can we have our own event now?). I got to try out this Silky Smooth range, the past few weeks.

The shampoo has a delicious fruity smell, and I swear guys, an almost pearl-like consistency, which made me feel like it’s really going to make my hair silky smooth. I fell inlove with the condicare. Michelle said that it’s actually a deep conditioner, which I was super excited to hear about. (Because I clearly have no life and hair care products are the only excitement in it). The condicare went on extremely well – no lumps – and I left it on for a couple of minutes before rinsing.

stylish steppersThe difference? Well, there was a major one, in my opinion! For starters, I didn’t have to use heat on my hair, after week two of using the product. That’s like, a big deal, if you’re from where I come from! (Brown girls, hollar) My hair had a great shine and texture to it. I mean, sure, it was clean (and clean hair is always a good time) but people actually stopped me to admire my hair… and all I had done was literally wash it and leave it to air dry.

Needless to say, I’m a huge fan and I can’t wait to try out the other Stylish Steppers products! If you’re in Nelson Mandela Bay and would like to visit the salon, or if you’d like to learn more about the product, check out the Facebook page.


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