Kids fashion

This week in microfashion: Schnooky Pie! {Review}

Schnooky PieThis past weekend my Curly and I had some fun with the camera… dang, it sure feels good to have another girl in the house! Curly had to review the new Schnooky Pie Summer collection – really trendy babygrows with the clips down the back (how clever is that?!) You can check out the entire review over on SA Mom Blogs… oh and they are giving away a babygrow to 1 lucky bebe!

Taking these pics this weekend made me realize how much I am enjoying watching my girls personality develop. She is totally capitalizing on the fact that she is the only girl in Hubstopher’s family and she makes the most of the attention that is constantly on her! When eyes are on her, she does the sweetest little head tilt, and puts her hands up to her mouth as she giggles – such a little drama queen! Oh and don’t you dare ignore her when she is calling to you… she’ll walk up to you and politely give you a tap on the shoulder, as if to say “Hellooooo, I’m here!”

She’s also not very fussy and seldom cries or moans, but when she decides to throw a “hissy fit” she starts it off with making the cutest little pouty face in the world… then slowly begins to rub her eyes, with the saddest look on her face… and then the (totally fake) tears come. I know, I know, I musn’t encourage it, but it is the CUTEST thing! Hehe. I’ve actually been very good with sticking to my guns and removing objects that she is not allowed to play with (even if she makes the puppy dog eyes) with a firm “No girl, this is not your toy. Come let’s go and find your toy.” I read somewhere that taking something away from your tod is only effective when you show them what IS acceptable for them to play with.

Another thing I find hilarious is when she tries to dance. Emphasis on “tries”. It’s like she wants to dance… her brain says dance… her heart says dance… but all her body does is this little head bop, with the shoulders barely moving. I think she gets her dance moves from her mom. Wait, that’s me.

But all in all she is growing into a lovely child and I am looking forward to many more adventures with her! If you’d like to see more pics of these stunning babygrows (and the beautiful child in them), check out the SA Mom Blogs review!

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