Kids fashion

HICH South Africa – a fashionable way to teach your kids about animal cruelty


When it comes to kids fashion, I’m pretty sure my children dress better than I do. Can you feel me, moms? We sure do love dressing our kids up! And with the large selection of boutiques and kiddies brands popping up, we’re okay with spending that hard earned cash on the latest trends too. What if I told you that you are able to spend money on a funky item of clothing for your kid AND help to raise awareness about animal cruelty, at the same time? Well, this is exactly what HICH South Africa had in mind when the brand launched in December 2017.

The local mother-daughter trio (headed by mom, Nicky) are passionate about the well-being of animals. HICH was actually born when founding member, Melissa, was planning her son’s 1st birthday party. In lieu of traditional gifts, guests were asked to bring a bag of dog food to donate to the local animal shelter for a #bekindtoanimals themed celebration at an animal farm. HICH South Africa was birthed shortly afterwards and officially launched into the online market on 15 December 2017.

I love the heart behind this business! I mean, I’d much rather have my kid wear something that can influence society for the greater good, than have her wear a tshirt that says something totally mindless and narcissistic. The HICH tshirt designs are fun and quirky – thanks to team member, Lisa – and the fit is great!

From the website:
The reason behind HICH is quite simple. George Thorndike Angell once said, “I am sometimes asked, ‘Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?’ I answer, ‘I am working at the roots”. This is exactly what HICH is all about! The brand aims to support local and national animal shelters as well as wildlife organisations. Individual support has also been given as HICH aims to help all animals in need, big or small.

HICH South AfricaI’ve taken this opportunity to once again teach my kid more about animal cruelty and how to be a kinder human being. If you’re looking to do the same, check out the ultra cool designs on the HICH South Africa online store.

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