Tips and tricks

Making up for lost time this festive season

You’ll often find me flexing my Genius Mom status ’round about these parts because… well… I have five children, people. That’s five whole human beings whose lives I contribute to in a major way. I mean, let’s just say that three of them won’t have clean bums if I’m not around. So that’s, like, a pretty big deal.

But, because there are that many children under my care, I also have to find new ways of making them believe that I’m amazing entertaining them. This was especially challenging this December because we’ve added our latest member to the troupe a mere four months ago!

So, the other day, when our eldest turned a whole 18 years old (yes, I do realize that I am now parenting another adult) I decided to flex that Genius Mom muscle once again by incorporating as many kids as possible into baking Now-Adult-Son’s birthday cake. The result? Pretty epic, even if I do say so myself. (Which I do.) I mean, homemade baking just tastes better, right?

Now, I need to add a teeny tiny disclaimer right here: I don’t bake.
Like, if you had to rate my skills and abilities on a scale of 1 to 10, I would probably score a solid -11 when it came to baking. Yep, it’s real bad.

But I know that baking is a labor of love. I needed to remedy this situation AND gain the respect and awe of my children simultaneously.

So I was especially chuffed with myself for remembering that I had a box of Golden Cloud Cake Mix in my cupboard. Although, let’s be honest friends, I wasn’t going to pass out in shock if I flopped on this too. I mean, I’m okay with it. One can only have so many amazing talents (this is me trying to make myself feel better).

Anyways, I whipped out the cake mix box and quickly scanned the pretty straight-forward instructions. I only needed to add the “wet” ingredients… the rest was in the box, including yummy icing! That was such a score already!

I was also impressed that I didn’t need to have special cake-making-things to make the cake (you guys know what I mean, right?) There was no mention of fancy cake making tools and equipment. Needless to say, I felt like I was winning and the cake wasn’t evens made yet.

We finally got cracking (literally, cracked the eggs, I know, I’m a lyrical genius) and, with the help of my kids, had the cake in the oven in no time! The icing was super easy to make and we got so much out of it, I could keep some aside for our Golden Cloud cupcakes (also so easy to make, my five year old practically did it by herself!)

The kids enjoyed decorating the cake. I enjoyed eating the cake. Both for obvious reasons. The result? It was super yummy and moist! Honestly, I was a little bit shocked… why didn’t anyone tell me that it’s this easy to bake a cake, yo?! I feel like the universe has been holding out on me!

I’ve now stocked up on as many Golden Cloud mixes as possible. It’s such a great way to make up for lost time AND, if you involve them, you get to be creative with your family. We are loving the cuppacino muffin mix and my kids are begging me to try the bread/dombolo mix! My sussie and I whipped up some scones for her Ma the other day and, I must admit, it felt good to beable to casually mention that I had just “popped them into the oven earlier”. Watch out Cake Boss, I’m coming for you!

Have you tried the Golden Cloud mixes? Which are your faves?

Disclaimer: This post was done in collaboration with Golden Cloud



  • Johanet

    I love baking with the kids but the mess that comes with it not so much. They really like to do Everything themselves. And licking the bowl and tasting is the highlight of baking for them.

  • Megan Keith

    Oh man I am so with you on the lack of baking skills! But Noah wanted to make cookies for Santa this year, so we did it! And it didn’t turn out half bad. Santa seemed happy! And by the way, your cake looks like it was amazing! Xx

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